Man staring into a mysteriously  glowing orb of color - An alternative to Dehancer

Dehancer vs

With so many LUTs and plugins for film emulation on the market it can be hard to know which tool is the best fit for your needs. What is the best method for achieving a true film look and why are so many photographers and filmmakers making the switch from Dehancer to Let's find out!

A new approach to film emulation - a standalone alternative to Dehancer is an ACES powered film emulator that allows cinematographers, photographers and colorists to create cinema-grade LUTs and DCTLs for hundreds of applications and workflows. runs directly in the browser, making it a truly platform independent alternative to Dehancer Pro.

Film Engine
RAW Processing

How Traditional Film Emulation Works

Traditional film emulation LUTs and plugins like Dehancer Pro are made is by taking simple measurements of a large number of colors from both digital (top row) and film sources (bottom row) and then computing static mapping tables, or 3D LUTs, that translate one color response to the other.

Color charts at multiple exposure levels. sRGB in the top row and film emulation from VisionColor ImpulZ at the bottom

Tools like Dehancer Pro offer a number of these mapping tables to emulate some Kodak and Fuji film stocks. However, with a limited number of film stocks to choose from, it can be challenging to achieve a truly unique look that fits your specific creative vision. That's not a flaw of Dehancer in any way, it's just a consequence of the static nature of these types of film emulations. And this is where comes in.

Film still of a man is standing on a dirt road with a large fire in front, cinematography by Jonathan Ochmann, analog film emulation with color.io3D Histogram (LUT visualizer) in the Photo Editor
Scene-referred Kodak Vision3 5219 emulation created with

Parametric film color emulation

The new standard in film color. is not software that emulates film stocks by statically mapping digital colors to their film representation like Dehancer or FilmConvert. uses mathematical models to simulate the way film responds to light. It enables emulation of film stocks via the physically accurate synthesis of film-like colors and remodelling of the images pixel structure to fundamentally reshape its character.

A long strip of film photos with dense and vibrant, filmic colors, grain and film halation. A long strip of film photos with dense and vibrant, filmic colors, grain and film halation.
ACES Logo transparentHDR Logo transparentRAW Image Editor Icon3d lut logo svgVisionColor Halide Color Engine Logo SVG

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Create 3D LUTs and DCTLs for your application and workflows with the most powerful tool for cutting edge film emulation and cinematic look design. Get started with for free.

This video showcases some of the advanced color and film structure controls in The app allows you to easily modulate the image's film density, grain and halation properties for a truly parametric analog film look.
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